So the post about muddles becoming masterpieces is getting a lot of feedback from friends and family. I wish that I had an inspirational post like that every day. Of course, not as the result of a muddle happening, but I'd like to be enlightened more often; however, that doesn't happen when my mind is filled with a list of other things to buying diapers, which I forgot to do.
I, like many moms out there, have discovered the treasure trove of Amazon Mom. It's a discount diaper mecca and I am so thankful for its offerings without having to schlep over to Target to buy diapers last minute. Unfortunately, that's the muddle I find myself in this morning.
I noticed the pile of diapers dwindling quickly over the past week, but thought that I had more time. Not the case. Because this morning as I took my blurry eyed self out of bed and went to get Oliver, my 15 month old, out of his crib, I was shocked to see that only two lonesome diapers remained. My choices were Elmo or Big Bird. I went with Big Bird. Elmo is my secret weapon, and I figured if we had a meltdown on the changing table, I could whip out the Elmo diaper to distract (I use the picture of characters on the diapers to distract my children my having them "talk.")
So, here I am on a Friday morning contemplating my plan of attack. We have 2 eye appointments this morning (I'm currently waiting for my husband to return from his so we can tag team and I can go), and I need to get to Target to get those diapers.
I can either race over to the store now, hoping to get back in time to tag out and get to my appointment, or I can risk the chance of a certain someone soiling his second to last clean diaper before I can get there later this morning. I've decided on the former. That's right, I'm a risk taker.
The thing is, I had ordered diapers from Amazon Mom...yesterday. You get 2-day free shipping when you are a Prime Member with them, so that means the diapers won't get here until tomorrow. Too late.
Where had my planning self going wrong? Why is it that I waited to the last minute?
I am a procrastinator! I said it, or typed it out at least.
And don't think I haven't been racking my brain this morning trying to think of ways to get by without having to by some reinforcements. Utilizing the cloth diapers I had attempted to use for my first son are not an option since I had sold them (my fascination with cloth diapering didn't last very long).
Target it is.
I don't like describing myself as a procrastinator, as I prefer to see myself as ordered and organized. I like to make lists. I like to cross off those tasks and feel the sense of accomplishment that overwhelms me. It's a high for me.
But when I face my reality, I realize that I am not as organized as I'd like to think. Outside of my imperfect perfect world, I dream about a "Martha Stewart" household with everything that has a place and a place for everything. My house runs itself. It's spotless and my kids never make a mess or smear the windows that I just cleaned.
Nice, right?
I, am not that person. I, am a procrastinator. And thus, am still faced with the dilemma of going to get diapers, when, if I had prepared better, I would be having a relaxing morning not worrying about diapers or procrastinating at this very moment by writing this post instead of getting my kids ready to get out the door.
Luckily the eye doctor is right in town.
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